A couple of days ago, I was watching BBC 4, which was showing the group Slade at the BBC. But I was watching on Freeview and the signal was bad. It kept disappearing or breaking up, with the sound stuttering. It depended on weather conditions and so didn't happen all of the time. When it did, most of the digital channels vanished leaving a No Signal sign on screen.
I commented to the friend I was watching with that when I'd watched Slade back in the 1970s, I didn't think that the televisions then would be better than what I was watching 40 years in the future on digital. I'd thought that the television of the future would be advanced and sophisticated but in reality it was worse.
An outsider's observations on this planet and the strange behaviour of its human occupants.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Monday, 10 December 2012
I have recently learned something about the Pilgrims who
left England to sail to America. They
left because of religious persecution but it wasn’t to seek the most obvious
sort of religious freedom. Apparently England had too much religious freedom
for their liking and they called for less freedom. They were too much for the
English people to bear and were persecuted for it. That does explain a lot
about the USA, where I have heard that some schools still teach creationism
instead of natural selection.
Those Pilgrims could be described as religious
fundamentalists. That’s somewhat ironic now, when the USA has so much trouble
with other religious fundamentalists from other parts of the world.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
I heard about the number of humans being made homeless has
increased as more of them lose their homes, being unable to repay their
This again shows how money is more important than humans.
The money lenders are quick to remind everyone that they will lose their homes
if they can’t keep up the repayments. If they can’t, they are chucked out on
the street and the property is sold to get the money back. The money lenders
couldn’t care less about those who have ended up sleeping rough on the street.
The government cares even less about them.
This is a ridiculous situation, in a ridiculous society. Why
do humans put up with this? Could it be because those who are still able to pay
would rather ignore the plight of strangers? They don’t want to be reminded
that it could be them if their circumstances change.
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